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Old June 5th, 2005
steelhorse steelhorse is offline
Join Date: June 5th, 2005
Location: CA
Posts: 6
steelhorse is flying high
Default Ways around the problem!


Just a little added idea, R-click and choose force resume on the downloading file before it starts waiting, it sometimes picks up more uploading systems. Also try re-searching, (using key words from the download or the whole string) the file while it is downloading see what else pops up for that file and click them if they do not automatical link (does for me). This will also link other uploading files to your attempt that limewire has not already and speed you up some. If your lucky a T1+ line will jump in on the action.

This just from a uploader's point of view, I have my uploading spaces set to 5 on a DSL conection. If I did not have allowable upload slots set low, uploads would be being put out at 1 or 2 kb's instead of 10 to 35 kb's.

If the downloader does not take some action the sources are not always joined together, user interactive. It is out of the uploaders hands.


Last edited by steelhorse; June 5th, 2005 at 07:15 PM.
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