This is strange! I see that many people cant connect to limewire, now you can put me in that list. I have dowloaded files from limewire before but suddenly, 2 days ago, i couldnt connect to gnutella.
I have northon internet security, and belive me, the northon firewall is off ( it has always been off, so why should it suddenly turn itself on, anyway, i had dobbel checked that it is OFF)
I use Windows Xp pro, and the built in firewall is also off, i have never used it, and i have dobbel checked that also is off.
Here is the strange part, i cant even connect with Bittorrent (!), i use bittorrent 4.0.2 (i know bittorrent isnt the subject here, but would like to hear how many people that cant connect to limewire that also cant connect to bittorrent). Tryed bearshare too.. that doesnt work either ( i know its also gnutella but worth a try). All other internet activity works fine, my IE dowloads web sites well, and i can also download files with IE, i can also play games online.
Its so strange that Bittorrent and limewire should all of the sudden stop connecting. I have read many post on this threads, and tryed every solution . Remove /.limewire directory, turned off connect-at-start-up and amnually connected, re-installed limewire.
I know this maybe sounds like a ISP block, my ISP is Telenor (norway), but i know people that use telenor as ISP and they can connect to gnutella and downlaod torrent files.
I have also used Ad-aware and Spybot S&D to clean my system
Please come with more tips to solve this problem.
I see myself with moderate computer skill. |