Originally posted by Unregistered I try to add files for sharing by putting copies in the Shared folder, But when I do, most of them don't appear to exist in the Limewire Library.
Why isn't limewire recognising the files I put in the Shared Folder?? Is it somthing to do with filename extensions, Because the only files it seems to recognise are those with visible extensions.
As I dont know how to add an appropiate extension to a file, this is becoming very frustrating...
Any assistance would be most appreciated. |
LimeWire only shares files with known file extensions or file extensions you specify. By default, it shares files with the following extensions:
html htm xml txt pdf ps rtf doc tex mp3 wav au aif aiff ra ram mpg mpeg asf qt mov avi mpe swf dcr gif jpg jpeg jpe png tif tiff exe zip gz gzip hqx tar tgz z rmj lqt rar ace sit smi img ogg rm bin dmg