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Old June 9th, 2005
waver99 waver99 is offline
Join Date: June 9th, 2005
Posts: 2
waver99 is flying high
Default Partial Downloads not resumable? Please help me.

I was downloading a few large files using Limewire and had a couple of them on 90+% , and were going to finish, when my computer crashed on me. When I restarted my comp, and went on Limewire, I realised that my downloads have all disappeared. I then went to the incompleted folder in my library and resumed them manually. However, all downloads were only able to resume at 0% and that includes files that I have downloaded up to 300mb of. Naturally that P*ssed the hell out of me, and I went to check out the files that were partially downloaded. However the file size of the partially downloaded files were correct, that is they showed the 300mb downloaded already before my system crashed. Can anyone help me? I am at my wits ends and took like a long time to even reach those percentages. I don't really want to start again. I would be really grateful
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