Same I am behind a massive port blocking firewall (muti-thousand $$ hardware). I have stupid ppl @ my college. Anyway, everything is blocked. I set up a proxy server (socks 5, port 1080, non-logon, no I won't give you the address) back @ home (234k ADSL), but it seems as if xolox won't tunnel through the firewall, <IMPORTANT>and is unable to log onto any of the servers</IMPORTANT>. I also use WinMX, and ocationaly Imesh when im desperet, and they do proxy server firewall tunneling, and work just fine, but I want to use a better prog.
My theroy:
Xolox dosn't have port morphing capibility, and is unable to rout all it's traphic through a port 1080 proxy, there by being stoped by the proxy server
and YES I am a SCSI (Computer Science) major |