Upload filters Hello to everyone.
I am somewhat new to this site and thus far I have enjoyed sharing with the community at large. I have been building a good collection of Music videos.
What I would like to know is how or should I say why people do not enable the view host. I leave mine open so that people can see and download what ever they want from my lime wire file.
When I look a someone uploading from me , I usually try and see what they have to offer that may interest me. I usually have about 7 out of 10 users that will not let me look at what they have to share.
Are there filters out there to stop these people from being able to upload from me if they are not willing to let any user see what they have to share?
I did find the filter that said if the user has no more then X amount of files to share do not let him connect, but since I believe that everyone has to start somewhere , I leave that filter open to the minimal amount. I want to be fare to everyone.
Another question, When viewing a search and it says lets say 800 files found, If I look at the browsing tab to see what was found, there is never that many items there. Is there a subfolder that shows the rest of the search?
Thanks and good uploads and downloads to everyone
Last edited by Tiamat; June 11th, 2005 at 09:35 AM.