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Old June 11th, 2005
P2P Rocks! P2P Rocks! is offline
Join Date: June 11th, 2005
Posts: 2
P2P Rocks! is flying high
Unhappy Wat? Yet another slow dl thread!!

Please help!!! I have read through most of the threads pertaining to low dl speeds (i.e. 0 - 5KB/s) for the whole of yesterday. Tried every other tip listed on the forum and am still at turtle speeds. Below are my com specs and the stuff that I have done, please advise on what I have done wrong.

Com Specs:

1. Intel P4 3.4Gh with 512MB DDR Ram

2. Abit IC7 Motherboard

3. Win XP Pro

4. Running Norton anti-virus and spyware doctor on the

5. DSL 512Kbps (64KB/S) downstream and 256Kbps (32KB/S)

6. Alcatel SpeedTouch 570 Wireless Router

7. LimeWirre v4.8.1

8. Java 1.5.0 (latest edition)

Stuff that I have done:

1. I have followed strictly to the tips provided by Mursame on
tweaking the number of Simultaneous downloads and stuff.

My Specifications are:

Upload bandwidth = 27KB/S (i.e. 32KB/S - 5KB/S)
Simultaneous Dl = 20
dl banwidth = unlimited

2. I have performed port forwarding (i.e. 6346)as advised and my
Receive incoming message ="True". See below:

Detail: Example

-- listing session information --
Current thread: AWT-EventQueue-0
Active Threads: 361
Uptime: 26:26
Is Connected: true
Number of Ultrapeer -> Ultrapeer Connections: 0
Number of Ultrapeer -> Leaf Connections: 0
Number of Leaf -> Ultrapeer Connections: 5
Number of Old Connections: 0
Acting as Ultrapeer: false
Acting as Shielded Leaf: true
Number of Active Uploads: 3
Number of Queued Uploads: 10
Number of Active Managed Downloads: 32
Number of Active HTTP Downloaders: 58
Number of Waiting Downloads: 7
Received incoming this session: true
Number of Shared Files: 120
Guess Capable: false
Received Solicited UDP: true
SIMPP version: 7
Port Stable: true
FWT Capable: true
Last Reported Port: 27252
External Port: 6346
IP Pongs Received: 59

-- listing threads --
HttpClient-ReferenceQueueThread: 1
ConnectionWatchdog: 1
PushUploadThread: 2
UDPService-Receiver: 1
DownloadWorker: 274
Acceptor: 1
MulticastService: 1
AWT-EventQueue-0: 1
AWT-Windows: 1
AWT-Shutdown: 1
FileManager.loadSettingsBlocking: 1
Timer-0: 1
OutputRunner: 5
DestroyJavaVM: 1
JmDNS.RecordReaper: 1
ConnectionDispatchRunner: 20
QueryDispatcher: 1
Thread-9: 1
QueryUnicaster: 1
UDPService-Sender: 1
ManagedDownload: 32
Java2D Disposer: 1
TimerQueue: 1
HttpClient-IdleConnectionThread: 1
MessageLoopingThread: 5
QRPPropagator: 1
HTTPAcceptor: 1
DaapServerThread: 1
JmDNS.SocketListener: 1

-- listing properties --

My max download speed was obtained by downloaidng this one file called "xx.Mp3" seems that I can only get high speeds for this one file, used this file for tweakin my simulatenous dl configuration. The rest of the files I just get stuck at 0 - 5kB/s. Sucks big time!

3. I have also tried to force IP by changing the listening port to
80 and use manual port of 80. (However, changed it back to
6346 as it did not work)

4. I have deleted the .limewire folder but did not repair the
program as I am using LimeWire v4.8.1.

Hmm... thats about all I have done.... nothing seems to work. What i suspect is this:

1. My ISP Singnet (Singapore Based Provider) is blocking the
traffic. If so is there anything I can do besides calling them to

2. I am located in Singapore which is miles away from the United
States, therefore, I am getting slow dl speeds? (note: all the
files I tried downloading are mainly U.S based files, i.e. music
and movies)

Well.... I would greatly appreciate any comments, tips and solutions to this irritating problem that have been plagueing me. Thanks!!
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