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Old June 12th, 2005
Fury29 Fury29 is offline
Join Date: June 10th, 2005
Posts: 29
Fury29 is flying high

Originally posted by Lord of the Rings
That's right, the .limewire folder is your main LW preferences. Interesting that you got a totally different down result for the 2 speed tests.

(a) How old is your modem & (b) how old is your router?

I wonder if you tried a different port whether that would help. But that might require port forwarding.

From your isp FAQ: Most customers have a bandwidth limit of 2mbps. This doesn't mean you'll get any where close to that speed for actual downloads. You can only download something as fast as the slowest link between you and a server. The readings you get from speed testing sites will vary greatly which is normal. The download speed you obtain depends on network traffic (outside the cable network) at the time your actually downloading the test data. Since this congestion greatly varies, your line speed measured will be different every time. It is normal to receive reported speeds from <100kbps up to >1.5mbps, and an average of slower speeds during peak Internet usage hours.

Your isp Terms of Service

You use a router so I presume you connect more than one computer. How many?
First let me again remind you LOTR that I appreciate your continuing help and research in this matter, and thanks Queen for the suggestion, I will check that out.

I was a bit shocked at the first test results also, I have never had such low d/l results. I was wondering if it showed so slowly due to the test sites location, I am under the impression that it is not a U.S. site...and then again, that may not have a thing to do with it. I am going to run that test again and see if there is a substantial difference, I'll let you know what I find out.

I have this computer and one other run through my router, both are home use and use the same OS.

As to the age of the modem and router...not really sure. The modem was provided by my ISP and the router was given to me by a friend but I think it is only a couple of years old.
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