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Old June 13th, 2005
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philippe99 philippe99 is offline
In the eye of the Tiger
Join Date: May 30th, 2005
Location: Tilff, Belgium
Posts: 80
philippe99 is flying high

(1) how does it freeze your mac ?
Can you "force to quit "LW and continue to play with your machine ?
Do you have a several languages message asking to reboot your machine (system error message following a Kernel Panic; example
(2) Do you have no message but still forced to manually reboot the machine (power off then power on) ?

(2) about the "special sound"
Which stuff plays this sound ? LW itself, alone, when you do nothing ?
Or a downlaoded MP3 you try to play (which would say that the file is corrupted)
Out of LW, if you play a MP3 (from iTunes for example), iss the sound also "choppy" ?

And last but not least, Douj, may we know a little bit more about your machine + OS ?

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