Thread: How to Search ?
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Old June 15th, 2005
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Often the words the & a can be ignored. You can even break the search up into individual words. If it's an audio file then you can search for particular artist or title or album using an audio or Any Type search. If you find some one has a similar title form the same album then you can browse them to see if they have more of the same album. The same princiople applies to other types of files. You can even try direct connecting to those you suspect might have the same type of file you're after. Have a look at the Sticky's at the top of the Open Discussion section about how to do these things or other hints. You can also search file type. The variation of searches is up to you but keep in mind that not everybody titles their files the same way so you need to keep your searches open for that option, else do separate searches that cater for that.
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