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Old June 15th, 2005
mgfcortez mgfcortez is offline
Join Date: June 15th, 2005
Posts: 4
mgfcortez is flying high
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i see both your pont's in this post,and i know i'm a newb here but.
maybe have a forum that ppl can post the name and size of the infected file's on limewire.
or maybe even a tab in limewire it self.
just have a rule to not post users and ip number's??

becuase none of us want to download that trash.
like i alway see a jpg and a wma pop up with the same size.
with the same name of what i'm looking for,i guess that's somekind of trick to get you download it

and ppl could host these infected files without knowing.
you got to remember not all AntiVirus program's can find all these new thing's

i use Norton AntiVirus and i'm starting to think i need something better.

so wile i'm posting this i'd like to ask you all, what is the best antivirus and firewall programs to get????????

Last edited by mgfcortez; June 15th, 2005 at 03:56 PM.
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