my headphones are not the little plug things that stick in your ears....they are the over the head kind that compleatley cover your ears. and they sound verry good ,all frequenceys come thru verry clear and perfect. responce is 16hz to 22khz. just because somthings cheep dosent meen its crap, and just because somthings expensive dosent meen its top of the line. there model # is : mdr-v150 .
eating enough miky-Ds will probobley kill you (i watched supersize me) . but once or twice a week max, is fine.
actualy a bag of fertalizer costs bout 5$ , so tecnicley you can get 4 bags of sh*t for 20$
i thought when you sed u hand built it you ment you soldered it all together and etched your own pc boreds etc .wich would take a lot of spair time.
135$ for a sterio like that? that still seems pretty low even for 1970s money....but im not famillar with aus money so im probobley wrong. my sterio cost about 400$ , thats what i was using as a referance point. |