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Old June 17th, 2005
abuelo abuelo is offline
Join Date: June 17th, 2005
Posts: 2
abuelo is flying high
Default limewire and itunes

so one day i open itunes and it's empty. library empty, limewire empty, playlists gone.could not figure out what happened so i went add to library/music/itunes and 3000 things came flying into my itunes library- 3 copies of everything i got. Since this disaster almost used up all 40 gb on my emac, i start to delete those extra copies, trashing and emptying trash, and getting back siome disk space.

next day i turn on the mac, open itunes and it looks just like before all this stuff happened. Playlist back, limewire back.

Anyway my question is about the limewire library. is this living in cyberspace, or is it on my hard disk? if it's on my hard disk can i delete it?

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