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Old October 25th, 2001
op1500 op1500 is offline
Join Date: October 22nd, 2001
Posts: 4
op1500 is flying high
Default ZAP Permissions

Yep, been dere done dat. Checked all the doh! factor stuff.

When I wrote "Everything can be going great, then WHAM, ZAP stops allowing connections to and from" thats just it. ZAP just stops things from happening. I'll be publishing my my stuff left and right, then without doing anything different....full stop. I'll have Outlook up and running checking mail automatically, 3 - 4 hours later:

Task 'Work (Outgoing Only) - Sending and Receiving' reported error (0x800CCC0D) : 'Unable to find the e-mail server. Please verify the server information in your account properties.'

Check ye 'ole ZAP alert icon and wow it's flashing letting me know that Outlook was prevented from connecting to the server. Sometimes I get the 'Temporarily' not allowed sometimes the 'Prevented' mesage.

Same thing with Frontpage, IRC Clients, FTP Stuff, and Xolox; running fine and doing thier thing for hours on end, then nuthin.

I'm sure it's one of the services/processes I have running (just haven't taken the time to isolate it) since I have yet to hear about these symptoms from anyone else.

One day I'll get sick of it and do the ole process 'o elimination, but till the lazy gene gose back into remission I'll live with it.
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