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Old June 23rd, 2005
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Fixed deadlock in DAAP, for streaming tunes to iTunes.
1. Does that mean that LW will no longer stop the importation of songs to iTunes if LW is too busy as happens sometimes?

2. Also the early points of changelog, does that mean that OSX version won't suffer from the VM issues it has been struggling with?

3. Magnets: Does that mean the impossible to get magnet links from Bitzi will now be available to LW users?

4. Would using this beta & then reverting back to LW 4.8.1 cause problems. I know I had that issue after the 4.1.6 or thereabouts beta & reverting back to 4.0.4 (though this didn't happen with the 2 previous betas), where LW would refuse to load all incomplete files.

5. The concept of old hosts. If I keep incomplete files for a couple or more years does that mean they will fall by the wayside. Some ... such as some difficult clients & users as Raza are very difficult to get. There's one user I might get one file off once a month despite having many files I want of theirs. So thus a long list of incompletes just from that host.

* Looks very, very good & well worth waiting for. Only just getting it started. So many long awaited additions. Let's use the litmus test on VM. lol (it's a major issue for me!)

* It seemed to load the incomplete & shared files much faster. And settled down faster for self-continuation of downlding of incomplete files. Nice to say the least. Very impressive!