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Old August 23rd, 2004
Lornakins Lornakins is offline
Join Date: August 23rd, 2004
Posts: 5
Lornakins is flying high

I am brand new to Limewire, but certainly not to the internet, but I too am a victim of one of these scams. The site scamming me for a lifetime membership for $29.95 is I am very new to music sites as I just purchased an MP3 player, so this site looked very legitimate to me. I found it through my Norton Utilities bonus web sites. My story ends well though, as they used paypal for which I had not updated the info on for a valid credit card. Therefore, I have not been charged, and hopefully, when paypal becomes aware that I do not have a valid credit card with them, they will just cancel the order. I don't think ezmp3s can keep me from using limewire, since it is free anyway, unless you buy the pro version. Am I right? I would not have known that I had been scammed if I had not gone to this forum site, looking for what others had to say about limewire. So, many thanks to a very useful site, Lorna
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