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Old August 9th, 2000
Posts: n/a
Question Can't connect with this or any such gnutella clone

I can't seem to get Gnotella (or other such programs) to connect to the web - It keeps trying IP address after IP address, and none seem to connect. I'm pretty sure it's installed correctly. I have a DSL connection that works fine, although that connection gets spotty itself, it seems, when I use one of these Gnutella clones - sometimes after playing with Gnotella I can't get any response from my DSL connection at all for a few minutes, and then it's back up again. Sometimes, after trying dozens of IP addresses Gnotella gets one or two connected briefly, but it just as quickly disconnects. Any ideas? I have three computers all sharing my DSL line with a NAT program called Sygate, by the way...
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