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Old October 27th, 2001
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Default XoloX causing reboots is getting intolerable

I know it takes a while to track down bugs, but aren't *any* new fixes ready for distribution?

On my Windows2k Server, XoloX causes the entire machine to reboot at least once a day. Usually, it doesn't aggrevate me too much, but occasionally XoloX deletes *all* of its partial downloads.

A few moments ago, I had about ten 600-700MB files >80% done. I had been downloading sections of them for many days now. But then, XoloX caused my computer to reboot. When it came back up, I checked that the segments were there (because this has happened before) and started XoloX. XoloX *then* proceeded to delete all of the job segments! FIVE GIGABYTES OF DOWNLOADS, WIPED OUT. My guess is that the resumeinfo.txt file was in a 'corrupt' state, so XoloX just deleted everything.

What a waste of time and bandwidth.
