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Old October 28th, 2001
jonjimgreg jonjimgreg is offline
Join Date: October 26th, 2001
Posts: 4
jonjimgreg is flying high

Still nothing.

To change host file i did this:
* Stop Xolox (even in taskbar!)
* Go into your Xolox directory and rename your old hostslist.txt to hostslistold.txt (use the Windows Explorer if needed to find and do this)
* Download a fresh hostslist.txt with your webbrowser, see above and click the underlined attachment, save it on disk.... on your desktop.
* Copy the hostslist.txt from the desktop into your Xolox directory.
* Now start Xolox....

Again after some time no connection working=> restart pc only solution.

Am patiently waiting untill then using direct connect (hate the requirements, I only have 8gb ofHD 0f wich max 4 gb to share)) and morpheus ( allright with mp3) at least good conection. Any suggestion till Xolos is functioning on my PC?????
Attached Files
File Type: txt hostslist.txt (2.1 KB, 211 views)