I'm with Filo, if you don't want to share your files or bandwidth then stay off of mine. As for that nonsense about fear of prosecution for allowing access; what bullsh*t. U can be prosecuted for up and downloading, do 'em both or do neither.
Incidentally, they cant prosecute everyone, as there are 100,000s of users worldwide, and the costs of prosecuting and administering the collection of unpaid fines will run into figures way too high to be deemed tenable by courts and local authorities anywhere. A few of us will be slammed as a warning to the rest, thats it. Dont be fooled, its the last gasp of a dying industry trying to protect its share holders. BTW I'm a musician and all my stuff is up there for free.
People have been "file sharing" and "pirating(?)" (you know what i mean) for decades in one form or another, from cassette taping vinyl albums to recording films onto video from TV. I spent many a happy hour as a kid taping tunes from the radio, and by the way it never stopped me from spending pocket money on stuff I really liked. Most of us cant afford to chance our hard earned cash on a reviewers say so only to find that we dont like the trash we bought. Many other industries have a "try b4 u buy" policy, Limewire is giving us the opportunity that is missing in the entertainment world. Music, films etc will always be subject to copying and if we hadn't been paying through the nose for CDs, Vinyl, Cassettes and Videos for all these years then P2P software and companies like Gnutella and Napster might not have been brought into existence in the first place. Now is your chance to be a modern day Robin Hood, take it and partay....
PS ANY software that allows people to broadcast footage of the many and various atrocities that occur around the world, atrocities inflicted on innocent people by their own government forces, or by immoral foreign totalitarian governments, atrocities which largely go unreported by the corporate media groups which are owned by tiny, rich cartels, groups whose financial interests are served by those same governments, has got my vote.
We might be swapping our favorite tunes at the moment, but in an age when civil liberties are being systematically curtailed in all of the industrialised nations of the west due to spurious "terrorist threats", and when there are fewer or no civil liberties in Western made third world countries, you may at some time in the future have a moral obligation or a survival need yourself, to turn your upload bandwidth to max in order to send footage of victimisation, police brutality or government sponsored terror inflicted on you, your family and your community. (see infowars.com for a taste) You probably wont think of that until it's happening in your backyard, but I bet you wont be worried about prosecution for nicking the latest Kylie single then.... |