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Old July 5th, 2005
Cybergenetic Cybergenetic is offline
Join Date: July 4th, 2005
Location: England
Posts: 9
Cybergenetic is flying high

For crying out loud, i'm not bitching nor am i complaining. I must emphisise fully, I am well aware of my PC and internet configuration aswell as my friends. I know of the turbo charged issue, (obviously) what i'm saying is even with the pro version, which your saying techically provides more search results, considering it's connected to more, let me say that again, I KNOW OF THE ISSUE. What i'm saying is that even in so called ''turbo charged'' status it's retrieving alot less than any other Gnutella client that i have tried, (nothing to do with my connection) (working great) (2mb symetrical bandwidth) PC- (64-bit Athlon Winchester 1.8ghz 512kb catche, 512mb of Geil ram) my friends is the same because I built the thing. Try it and find out instead of not really understanding my critisism.