Dear Waynet94
You are one of hundreds, if not thousands, of people who have given their money away to scam sites. But the story ends well for you because you have got your money back and taken precautions so that no more money can be extracted from you.
However, I feel sorry for the people who have been scammed but do not realise it yet, and may never realise it.
I can only guess that there must be thousands the world over quite happily using their "free" copy of LW purchased from scam sites.
UK Bob
For a scammer, this has got to be a great low risk way to make money, for very little outlay people who don't know any better come to your site and give you their money. And all you have to do is "nothing" but watch and collect.
Last edited by ukbobboy01; July 6th, 2005 at 07:10 AM.