HDTV ,data rates,filesizes,videos,and lots of headaches... OK ... iv been trying to figur this out for months ...i want to know just how big is an un-compressed 2hr long 1080 HD video??? iv herd everything from 50GB to a whoping 1.8 TERABYTES.
how large is a 2hr 1080 HD video???
how large is a un-compressed 2hr normal 480 video???
and what is the data rate for both?? eg MB/s ,Mb/s, kb/s ? what?
and what are the stats on these things after theyv been compressed losslessley??
and how much can you compress a video befor you see artifacts/compression scars in it??.....i can see artifacts in dvds and in sattelite tv...
i want to know ONCE AND 4 ALL?!?!?!?!? |