Please! Don't all clamor to inundate me with help all at once! All right; maybe I can take one more helpful response.
By the way, a few additional pieces of background info that may help: I recently changed ISPs, from AOL to SBC/Yahoo for the DSL service. On AOL I had no problems that couldn't be explained logically & functionally. They were fixed by upgrading my RAM & bandwidth. The SBC DSL service includes dynamic (rather than static) IP addressing. That may affect the situation I described.
Also, I read in another string that some ISPs block LimeWire & others. Is that true? How? How can I test for that & possibly make sure that isn't happening?
If you need additional info, please ask. I'd really like to hear from you guys that are experienced with this problem, since I've enjoyed using LimeWire for a while now...hint, hint, LOTR!
Thanks for reading. |