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Old July 9th, 2005
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Originally posted by trap_jaw4
Lord Of The Rings...
I've only seen this for very fast downloads (>1MB/s). Was anything putting any heavier load on your hard drive while you were downloading?
I was also downlding other material at high speeds (total of 27 KB/s on a 256 kbps service.) I haven't used video processing over the past 4 days whilst this was happening. I have had other graphic manipulation programs running but they arguably don't demand that much of the cpu, or HDD. The corruption has occured to both (2x) dmg's & (3x) mp3's including 2 smallish (5-10 MB mp3 file.) I don't normally get corrupt downlds. And for this to happen over just 3-4 days it's a concern, but might just be the particular selected files.

re: the one file that came up with a disk error within LW. Not sure whether that was me or them at fault. Doesn't sound healthy. Certainly hope my HDD wasn't at fault. My graphic programs do use scratch disks allocated to various partitions. But for graphic man. the one LW downlds to is the last (4rth) on the list. Likewise for video it's about 3rd on list. I only sometimes do heavy video processing whilst LW is open. Otherwise for rendering & conversion it takes twice as long!

Sklenarikova there's a New Features Request section more appropriate for your post!

Last edited by Lord of the Rings; July 9th, 2005 at 12:25 AM.