KIDS and their GAMES No one else will say it, but I will. You ever start a download, spend about a day downloading the file, get about 98% finished, just to have your download stoped? Ever download a file, to find out that the title does not match the materal in the file? Spend a day downloading a file, just to find out that the file is damaged to the point that all you can do is delete the garbage, and try to download it agin? KIDS How about adding a new function to Lime Wire. A function that will record the problems that you have downloading files. The day, time, the IP addresses, yours, and theirs, and a description of the problem. Store this information in a data base, that is avable to everyone. It should be sorted by IP address, both. Add a coluim to the Search window, with the number of problems reported, click on a button on that line, to take you to a new form, a listing of the reported problems for that IP, and include the IP address of the person doing the complaint. Have that form sort the IP address of the person complaining. If one KID wants to copmplain about on site, many times, you would be able to see it. It may stop KIDS from making false complaints. I realize that not all of my problems come from KIDS that have nothing better to do, but I will bet that most problems are from KIDS. What do you think? |