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Old July 12th, 2005
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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I've never banned any user. But some people do. There's also apparently some dud ultrapeers set up out there which give no response so people can't connect & this is another reason. Some ban particular programs because they make too many requeries which in itself slows down the gnutella network. The older version p2p programs had this problem.

As far as LW for mac osx goes. Well osx uses an older version of Java for a start. Apple doesn't seem very interested in updating their Java. And LW runs on Java. So this version of java is slow.

As far as your original point about downlds stopping. This may be due to the holder of those files going offline. People come & go offline all the time. See the following link & follow all the off-shoot links to find hints & extra skills to solve this problem: To continue files downlding (click on link) Some skill sometimes helps in using LW or any other p2p program.

How to get rid of bad files? Don't know. There's bad audio files out there that seem to only apply to new songs. Who & why do you think would be responsible for this? Why people deliberately put poorly named files or corrupt ones out there. Who knows. One just has to work around it.
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