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Old October 31st, 2001
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Morgwen Morgwen is offline
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Morgwen is flying high

Originally posted by Moak
Morgwen, which gnutella clients? Please name them, I'm very curious as you know. Also some not-gnutella clients have a spyware-bonus-pack included. What about Morpheus these days?
Hi Moak!

limewire and xolox are free... (I have not tested all gnet clients - not yet!)... I know Morpheus, songspy, Imesh all have spyware....

I read morpheus has spyware included in the main program, donīt know if is true or not? Ad-aware cannot discover the spytools!

The most filesharing programs, I have tested, have spyware included... cannot remenber all...
Some of them donīt work anymore if you delete the spytools - like Imesh!

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