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Old July 15th, 2005
1980something 1980something is offline
Join Date: July 15th, 2005
Location: Tucson, AZ
Posts: 1
1980something is flying high
Unhappy Are my connection issues, result from Firewall, or something else?

<p>I have been using limewire for sometime now, and it has always preformed wonderfully for me in the past. How ever as of late (past few weeks) I have been unable to download any type of file, the client connects to the network, preforms searchs/rendering results, and even allows uploads to other users just fine. When attempting to download files,even from multiple HOSTsa connection is made but no "data/packets/file fragments" or ~whatever will transfer. I have attempted troubleshoot many of the issues common to Firewall Config. and the average p2p client, all of which were exonerated when I disabled, and then later completely uninstalled McAfee's Personal Firewall. And before you ask the "Internet Connection Firewall" option that XP intergrates into the propertie's of a network connection had never been enabled. I would later enable the service and attempt to manually config. the settings, allowing for full access for network services using UDP port 6346 , still to no avial. I've attempt to use various versions of Limewire from 4.6.0 to 4.8.1 even the new 4.9.1 beta version all them producing the same problem. I've ensured that my DirectX application is update and functioning properly. </p>
<p>Is it possible that problem is a result of a particular "Service" that might have been disabled or stopped and if so would it be possible to locate using the Microsoft Management Console and XP's Administratrive Tools?</p>
<p>Oddly enough I've discover the problem doesn't exsist when I use versions 4.2.6 or older. How this old versions of limewire affect my general system preformance, often increasing CPU usage to 100%. Red CPU usage gauges and the heavy fan noises, have my fearing for the well-being of my processor. It is a Intel Pentium 4, 2400 MHz 133MHz if thats even relavent. Can this issue be addressed provided I'm unable to affectively use the up to date versions?</p>
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