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Old October 31st, 2001
everclear everclear is offline
Join Date: October 22nd, 2001
Posts: 17
everclear is flying high

ok, moak, i'll grant you that i may have exaggerated a little on my rate of increase there, but an article i read in science daily a month or 2 ago said that uncrackable encryption was now a reality because, in the newly developed algorithm, only the 2 in the loop would have the same constantly variable set of random numbers. sounds good to me. about bill gates: someone has to make this improved technology available to the masses at an affordable price, and, considering the income level of most of the world, that would take someone who has proven their involvement in philanthropy [the melinda and bill gates foundation, for example]. write the rest off to the rantings of a 60's radical 8D. i've been waiting for this longer than most of you have been alive. separate routers are an historically recent development because, as i stated, routing hardware/software was originally in each computer. PS: you look a lot like bob ****** 8>

Last edited by everclear; October 31st, 2001 at 04:35 PM.