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Old July 17th, 2005
missella missella is offline
Join Date: July 17th, 2005
Posts: 1
missella is flying high
Default Downloading issue...

Hi, sorry to post yet another downloading issue but all the threads I have read dont seem to be giving me any joy.

I am using windows 98 and set limewire up a few days ago, managed to download some files no worries. I then downloaded zone alarm and avg antivirus software (both free versions) and thats when the trouble began. I have checked out the bug reports in options and I am getting a false reading on 'incoming this session'. I have been to zone alarm and have checked the ask button for limewire line but noted there is no javaw.exe line (should there be?).

I am new at all this and cant seem to get it happening. Even if you could direct me to somewhere in the forums that could give me some extra guidance would be wonderful.
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