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Old July 17th, 2005
Uncapped Uncapped is offline
Join Date: July 17th, 2005
Location: Earth
Posts: 5
Uncapped is flying high

btw if it duznt work, ill post the tutorial here:

Cable Modem Hacking Guide
Uncapping using DHCP Force
Step By Step
1. Find the MAC Address of your cable modem this is usually found on a sticker on the cable modem or in the documentation which came with it. Open the DHCP force application put the modem's mac address and use the discover function. Then write down the values that are provided in the boxes. Another useful place to modem information for surfboard is the modem's web page which can be found at While other modems may have similar web pages I do not know how to locate them.
2. Open the SNMPCfg Admin Program locate the ip address range near the bottom. Then for the first # in the range put your hfc ip address listed in the DHCP Force Application. For the second value put a address considerably higher but no to much higher. EX. --> is a reasonable value. --> is not. Play around with this application to find a range that will best suit you. After the info has been entered use the mass get function to retrieve the config names. Then press the + next to the names to get a ip address list. Put one of the addresses from each config into the step 1 program to find out which config is the fastest in many cases this is not necessary however because the configs are named like,,, in which case knowing which is the fastest does not require a technical solution. If the configs do not list you will need to retrieve your current config an explanation for this can be found in the archive this was distributed in. After you have retrieved the config open it with Config Edit and locate your community string. Enter this string into SNMPCfg to find the config names and then later also modify this parameter in DHCP Force.
3. Open the DHCP Force Application, before you can try to uncap you must first disable the media sense option. This can be found under the DHCP menu. Once media sense is disabled you will most likely have to restart your computer. After your computer is restarted open the DHCP Force application again enter your modem's MAC Address and use the discover function. This time after the discover finishes change the config file name to the name of the faster config you found using SNMPCfg admin. Click the start button in DHCP Force then reboot your cable modem. The easiest way to do this is to unplug it and then plug it back in. Wait until the modem is fully booted up then stop the DHCP Force and try to get online. Do not reboot your modem again however because this will set your modem back to its original settings. If all went well you should be on at a faster speed now.
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