The music industry in general has been in decline for years now and the advent of the internet and the technology such as P2P, has definitely hit the recording industry in the pocket, because as with most everything else in this world, it's all about the benjamins, baby! They've only recently dropped CD prices (in the US) and the shitload of cash that they made over the years got REAL good to 'em! The record companies are trying to support the mega-artists, while the smaller acts (if they have any!) and indies can't get any love on the airwaves, because all of the FM stations are being devoured by major conglomerates. So, a service like LW is needed because there's a whole lotta music out there that you would never hear any other way and what they don't get is that I WOULD buy the CD of a particular artist, if I could HEAR them. It's all a nasty cycle and yeah, they probably will try to bust up the P2P's, that's only inevitable, but like the phoenix, I expect it to rise from its ashes and I'm ridin' with it to the end.
Wild Peach |