still,... hey hey.
monkey wrench here.
kinda a bummer that this has devolved to address only the single concern about # of ultra peers.
in my previous list of concerns from the switch to 4.8.1 from 4.8.0,..this item is perhaps least important to me....i have just upgraded to 4.9.4 pro, and while i like some of the changes in features, previous issues still persist.
basically,...for over a year BEFORE i switched to 4.8.1/4.9.4 i would leave it up while i went to work, or overnight...and it was not at ALL unusual for 300-500 files to have passed OUT of my system.
so it easy for me to note a change (starting with 4.8.1), when i leave the computer for any length of time...limewire seems to IDOL...resulting in only a handful of outgoing files in the same time periods previously reflecting hundreds of files..
what gives?
the question isnt really about # of ultrapeers,..i would nt care if i were connected to only 1 or 2...that is, if 1 or 2 would WORK!!!!
QUALITY not quantity.
one sad anarchist.
(waaaaaa) |