Ok I'll explain you what happens more and more often with ISPs:
Bandwidth you use is the most costly thing for a ISP, especially bandwidth between countries. Since P2P is the most consumming bandwidth application for ISPs and that Gnutella is one the biggest P2P network, some ISPs detect Gnutella tranfers then throttles them so the users get discouraged from using P2P. Some ISP simply block the most used port of an network, for Gnutella it is 6346. Here is appears the port isn't blocked since you can connect and search.
Here is one possible thing happening: you begin a transfer, by a certain amount of transfer or speed reached, the ISP looks automatically at Gnutella headers, if found, they throttle the traffic of Gnutella, hence your downloads slower than 2kB/s.
But you should try completing a big download and compare the download time between your DSL and your dialup (56K). Try downloading one 10 meg or so file in LW with the two connections types and measure time for download completion (for the exact same file).
Also, you didn't tell if you were downloading from Limewires or Shareazas, I'm presently on a dl for which shareazas sources outnumber the LWs ones, and my dl speed (when downloading at all) sucks.
Last edited by et voilà; July 17th, 2005 at 06:50 PM.