Thread: dissapointment
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Old November 1st, 2001
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Default Re: dissapointment

Originally posted by Unregistered
I heard all this hype about Xolox and how it's so much better for those with a broadband connection....well I have a cable connection and I have yet to see my download speed exceed
9 kb/s....and it's not like I'm downloading a lot of files at once...just one at a time...and as far as I can tell, no one is I'm not uploading to anyone.......WHAT GIVES?
If you are downloading from just one source then you are bound by their upload speed. You'll need to start 20-odd downloads before your cable modem's download speed will tap out. Now it is possible that you will connect with a high speed server and start getting 40-50k/s but more often that not you get 10-15k/s.

When you do a search try downloading something that has a higher score. If you can start downloading from two or three active sources then you might start getting your downloads up to a respectable number.

Personally I like to chalk up about 20 downloads and let Xolox figure out what do with them. Somestimes you get the stuff you are only mildly interested in before you get to the stuff you really want but... c'est la vie.

After all, you are depending on other people.
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