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Old July 21st, 2005
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fabion fabion is offline
Lost In Time
Join Date: January 19th, 2005
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fabion is flying high

hmmm been running 4.9.7 since last night with several shutdowns and restarts. I have run as an UP and Leaf.

I find I get get significantly better search results as a Leaf by a margin of 5 to 1 than as a UP.

I also run as a LAN T-3 connection setting which my bandwith supports easily, but as soon as I start LW in UP mode it eats up about 75 - 90% of my bandwith. When I start LW in Leaf mode it only uses about 20-40 of my bandwith.

While using version 4.8.1 my bandwith useage as a UP was 40 - 60% at most.

I have I aslo noticed significantly reduced download speads in 4.9.7 over previous versions. I can rarely hit 60 KB/s. I can only at most get 4 consecutive d/ls going at that speed, all of which have 10 hosts for the files in question. All the rest of the d/ls are as waiting for busy host. When one of the d/ls finish one of the previously qued d/ls will start. Odd it should do this as I haven't not had this problem with previous versions.

As previously mentioned d/ls do not automaticly restart, when restarting 4.9.7. I have to do manual searches and then if I find a host it still doesn't restart the d/l. I have to cancel the d/l in que and then select d/l from the search results, which the d/l will start from the previous point it stopped at. Odd also

Memory usage is about the same as previous version. No noticable difference.

Just my observations. BTW Java 1.5_04, LW Pro 4.9.7

Last edited by fabion; July 21st, 2005 at 03:09 PM.