C:\Upload (The W32 spyworm) Dear Guys (Those that caught this W32 spyworm)
How did you get this worm, e.g. were you running a virus scanner at the time (Y or N), did you deliberately download and run an *.exe file without scanning it first, did you download a *.zip file and autorun it, etc.
It is well known (by almost everybody) that surfing the web or using the P2P network without having an up to date virus scanner running is asking for trouble. It is also well known that you can't trust exe and zip files downloaded off P2P.
So, I am trying to understand how so many people caught this worm when a few simple precautions, such as setting your LW filter to exclude exe and zip files and running a virus scanner, could have saved so much hassle.
Also, though there are no size filters in LW yet, not downloading files under 1 or 2mb is a very sensible policy to adopt.
Therefore, unless someone can say something different, it really look like those that caught this worm were either reckless, careless or both.
UK Bob
Last edited by ukbobboy01; July 22nd, 2005 at 06:15 AM.