OK I can see if you are on dial up or other slow connection wanting to stop sharing. But there is an alternitive to not sharing after all that is what p2p is all about. You can go to the top of the LimeWire page on top left side and click on Tools/Options/Uploads/Basic, and set how much of your bandwith to use for uploads I have found that about 75% of my capability works when I am DL. You will find that you will may be ablel to get more people connected to you if you continue to share, allot of people do not like freeloaders and set LW to share with Freeloaders rareley and that a person must share X amount of files to not be considdered a freeloader, I myself set mine at a verry low number of files you must share because I was a newbe once and do reliase that not everyone has 100 files too share. But if you share 0 it is unlikley that you will be able to connect to me or others who use this feature. I have a feeling that this may have alot to do with the post you read in the forum about slow DL because there may be allot of us that have LW configured this way, anyway I hope it works that well.
Latter Grandpa |