I'm running Slackware 10.1 with kernel 2.4.3 (stable) and FVWM Windows Manager, with the RedMond98 theme.
and I've been able to extract LimeWireOther.zip and I can sh .runLime.sh and Limewire runs great.
But when I try create a shortcut for limewire in my startmenu, limewire will not run.
Here is several different code snippets I've tried, and none seem to load Limewire.
+ "%menu/www.xpm%LimeWire" Exec exec java -jar /daman/LimeWire/LimeWire.jar
+ "%menu/www.xpm%LimeWire" Exec exec sh ./daman/LimeWire/runLime.sh
+ "%menu/www.xpm%LimeWire" Exec exec ./daman/LimeWire/runLime.sh
and + "%menu/www.xpm%LimeWire" Exec exec "sh ./daman/LimeWire/runLime.sh"
I think this may be a problem with paths, because when I execute runLime.sh from a shell, I've cd'ed into the directory then sh ./runLime.sh and it works fine.
Hopefully someone here has experience with the FVWM style menus.
Thanks for any help