1. Overwriting a file will _sometimes_ causes the icon of the search result to immediately goto a green check. Although it is still downloading, the icon should be displayed as a manilla folder. still seeing lots of these icon bugs.
2. The priority/queueing of downloads were for some reason out of sync and skipping a few numbers... it would skip numbers. ie: 1..3..4..5..7 etc.. i wish i took a screenshot of it.
3. I have a folder in my library that is called "2.1.0", the right pane cuts off the last decimal ".0" of my folder name. (its now doing it with any last digit)
4. I noticed an upload that kept going frm 95% to 100% about 10+ times before killing the connection to avoid wasting bandwidth for other uploaders.
5. I noticed an upload that was crossing over 100%.. screen shot:
