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Old July 25th, 2005
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u2btrfly u2btrfly is offline
Gnutella Admirer
Join Date: July 20th, 2005
Location: FL
Posts: 71
u2btrfly is flying high
Thumbs up update on maladventures with MyMusic

Well hello my UK friend and everyone who helped me with this problem!

After many threatening e-mails, as in potentially filing an internet fraud complaint with my bank and reporting them in every forum I could find from a-z, these scammers sent me an e-mail saying "YOUR REFUND HAS BEEN PROCESSED AND APPROVED." My only question is this - what do they mean by "approved?" We had a "free trial with refund if cancelled within 30 days" agreement I only got that after pleading poor mouth and that their service looked promising. When I first went to their site, nothing was mentioned about a "free trial." 'Course, they lied and told me that they wouldn't even process payment until the 30 days were up. As soon as I see it in my bank account, I'll know I'm not dreaming though.

So thank you once again UK Bob, and thanks to this forum. I would never have known.

Oh, by the way, is there someone I can report them to anyway?
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