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Old July 25th, 2005
IMP IMP is offline
Join Date: July 25th, 2005
Location: Australia, Melbourne
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Default Re: Limewire Blurry Bug

Overdose 23, I have a 19"LCD monitor and I use high resolution. I have the same visual problem with the blurry effect of the text. However, I have changed the skin (Red and Black) and it's better. The text is white on black and is much easier to read.

It is not possible to change the visuality of text using the desk top properties and appearnce etc. that won't work with Limewire.

Originally posted by Overdose23
Am i the only one having this problem? When i start limewire EVERYTHING is way too blurry to read properly, it's not good on anyones eyes to be sure, but when i hover my mouse over an icon in my quickstart list and the name of that icon appears, for some reason the blurryness of Limewire goes away until that text dissapears again....

is there a more permanant work around for this problem?

I'm using Limewire Pro 4.9.7 w/ latest java
my display is nVidia GeForce 6800 Ultra using the 77.76 drivers