First of all, the reason I PM'd you in the first place was to keep a personal beef just that, personal. The point was that you answer posts in a condescending manner, which is evidenced by the manner and style that you answered this one, you'd make a terrible crook, you leave the evidence!
Second, if you had bothered to read regarding the Office post is that I was trying to get in touch with a person who had an inquiry TO ME about it and I forgot their name, so it was just an effort to locate them, not to ask for a specific file. Whether it's a TV show, music file or software, if my interpretation of the rules are correct, asking for a specific file is NOT allowed on this forum. This bolsters my arguement that you are quick to answer without actually understanding the question, which makes you sound like the person I described. Learn to listen before responding, kid.
Third, you call me a bitch like it's a bad thing, I come from a long line of 'em and I'm proud to represent! The key is to use your powers for good instead of evil, which is what I try to do, no one, including you can take away my joy. If being a bitch means keeping people like yourself in check, I''LL BE THAT! Nice try, though...
Finally, I won't even address the comment regarding my gynecological status (is that a SAT word for you?!), but I'm sure if your mother is going through changes, it's probably NOT from menopause, it's from dealing with a child like you. Go to school (or back), learn how to SPELL, and make your mama proud. This thread will more than likely be closed and I suspect I could be banned, but I honestly was trying to find out what your problem is/was and was hoping we could have a meeting of the minds, but you were coming to the table short. Up the dosage on your **** and try to have a great life....good luck....
Originally posted by cathodraytube dear wild peach. in regard to your last responce in this thred and to your rather rude PM:
rude PM: "Dude (or Dudette), what is the deal with you? I don't know if it's your intention, but you come across real shitty on the boards and as far as I'm concerned, you can be arrogant, rude and obnoxious. If you feel that we are all total morons taking up space in your obviously perfect world, why don't you just move on? On the majority of posts that I've read your responses, you make it a point to complain, rant and rave without actually addressing the question/problem. If you're not happy, then I'm truly sorry you feel that way, but don't bring us down as well."
im terabley sorry if i come accross "real shitty" but i dont beleve i am. i dont think any of you on these forums are morons at all (exsept for that IHNA caractor) , and i have lernd many things from you guys and i belive iv helped some of you with your problems as well. if i dident enjoy chatting in here i wouldent still be doing it.
i dont think i ONLEY make complaints ...i try to adress the problem/question as best i can in a helpful way with some humor/sarcasim thrown in. and i do beleve i allways adress the question/problem to a decent extent.
and what makes you think im un happy?? im in a fairley good mood amoast all the time. how can you tell over the internet anyway???
and to your poast:
you were asking for expensive first run software (office2000 i belive)when you were told it was agenst the rules, wich is verry differant from a TV show from 15 years ago. i think my poast was perfectley ok even tho i dont have the episode in question because i was just trying to re assure neruth that he/she/it dident bend the rules that badley. so your little tantrum there wasent reely "required" ether...
once agen im terabley sorry if i offendid anyone when it wasent warrented.
on that note peach ,i beleve that (going by your statment about a 27 YO kid) you must be going thru menopause, and therfor are acting like (for lack of a better word) a bitch and are set off by things/comments that there is no need to start an argument about eg my last poast. i feel verry sorry for you (and your kids and husband) and hope your next 5 years or so go smoothley, i know how hard it must be for you (and your kids/spouse) because my mother is in the "bitch stage" too and is allsow set off by pointless things too and makes mine and my fathers lives a living hell. id sujest you speak to your doctor and start taking a supplement of some kind to cool down your temper and make you not so suseptabul to being pissed off by such moot topics/points.
best regards