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Old July 26th, 2005
Posts: n/a
Angry hello got a problem

Hello there all,i dont know if some of you use windows media player but when i downloaded a few songs,my player lost the ability to play the file music or other.It did before and i did run a thorough virus scan using all of my tools.Yet for some reason the player still could not play it at all.Now i used winamp and it did great,so i went back to it and bang got all of my music to play again.And since i have no viruses i still cant figure out why the windows player couldnt play it.I have the latest one so it should play them like it did before.But i think it would be wise to have the site checked for some possible viruses or trojans.I also seem to be getting some dumb desktop items and artwork that wasnt included in the file.But if it was then someone is doing naughty things like embedding the files with extra crap people do not need.I use limewire for the simple fact it is supposed to be ad free and spam free of anything except songs and videos and programs.So please who ever is doing it please stop you are ruining it for everybody by placing **** like this that we dont need.
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