Beta 4.9.9 still doesn't have accurate icons in search results. (Select a bunch of search results, hit download, and many of them still show stars -- most of which have actually successfully downloaded -- instead of folders or checks. Also, some torn paper items are simply ignored if you tell it to download them, etc.)
Beta 4.9.9 also still doesn't have accurate numbers in the search tabs -- it still seems to count a file again for every new source it finds, instead of once and once only, leading to exciting looking numbers in the mid-double-digits that are just 47 identical probable ipod spams named foo.wmv and obviously too small in size to be legitimate.
Finally -- what's with all the disk problems all of a sudden? Most downloads reach 100% and abort with "Disk Problem" as the status, instead of succeeding, which didn't used to happen, and I have gobs of free space on my hard drive and the files I'm downloading are not very large. So there is room for it to store the files it's downloading. So why is it complaining about a "disk problem"? |