Thread: Browsing Hosts
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Old July 29th, 2005
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The browse function is too often mistakenly used as a guide as to whether people are freeloaders. This is a totally incorrect assumption that just because you can't browse them or come up with zero results they aren't sharing. The browse function was a tool that was donated to LW a long time ago & it has never been improved upon.

I'll give you an example: I couldn't browse from someone I was downlding from despite they had chat enabled. On another day, I browsed someone & it showed about 60 results. 2 minutes later I browsed again & there were over 200 results of files.

Browse is not a reliable tool for that purpose & is an unreliable & poor indicator as to whether someone is sharing or not.

Browse is very good however at helping to continue downlds if you're downlding more than one file from a particular host. I use it for that purpose all the time (as well as seeing what other files of interest they may have or of same album, etc.)
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