The new beta may and may not fix your problem. It sounds like a Java isue to me but I dont know for shure. If you could read the thread below there is alot of good information in it. And the more info you can provide when writeing a thread the better the chances of solving the problem. IE
O/S Windows 98/2000/XP
CPU P43.0/AMD 3200+
Memory 256/512
LimeWire Verson 4.8.1/4.9.11
Java Version 1.4.*/1.5.*
connection Type Dial up/Cable
Firewall Type Norton/Windows
Router make & model
any error messages and a good description of what is happening you have a good start there and it appears that you are trying to figure out the problem yourself if you need any more help try using above sugistions and I or someone else will help if we can.
Latter Grandpa