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Old August 1st, 2005
Jazlin900 Jazlin900 is offline
Join Date: August 1st, 2005
Location: Arizona
Posts: 3
Jazlin900 is flying high
Question I'm Confused, but it's ok, I'm old! Please Verify For Me?

Hi, I have been reading some of the questions posted, and I am not sure if my question has been answered, so please don't laugh. I have downloaded some tunes that were in mp3 format, and I was told that I could play them in my regular and car cd players. NOT! I don't have an mp3 player, and I want to download a lot of tunes, but they all,(most anyway) are listed in mp3 format. What can I do to download these tunes and be able to play these tunes in my car or reg. cd players? I hope this is an understandable question! Thanks
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