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Old August 2nd, 2005
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deacon72 deacon72 is offline
Nam Vets Forever
Join Date: July 9th, 2003
Location: Ohio
Posts: 280
deacon72 is flying high

Folks, Here it is 6:04 PM DST (US). I am still disconnected via the upper toolbar settings. B U T I am still running as an UltraPeer A N D (hold onto your socks) am running at 500 to 653 kb/s!!!! Once I connect to IE to come to this forum it slowed back down. SO, I can get all my downloads as a permanant UltraPeer and never have to hook up to the active structure. Oh, yeah, I have 35 active downloads B]EACH[/B] amounting to several hundred mbs, and 19 active uploads with 10 minimum waiting (queued).

How is this possible??
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